Experienced Strategists, Facilitators, and Guides


Nonprofits play a huge role in building and supporting communities. Demands are ever increasing. Focusing on business while delivering on mission can be challenging at best. Every dollar must be used toward excellence and service.

We understand the day to day and strategic challenges nonprofits face.

The Strategy Group is a team of leading-edge practitioners that have decades of experience guiding and leading organizations. Our multifaceted experience drives our client engagements with an empathetic and transformational approach. We know and can help you strategically navigate the inner and outer workings of social and public sector systems as well as your internal operations. As your guides, teachers, and partners we delight in collaborating and supporting your leadership in creating communities that thrive.

Learn more about our Vision, Mission, and Values >

“Working with The Strategy Group offered Parents League of New York the opportunity to complete a strategic plan that helped define who we are with clarity. Offering insight, kindness and a steady hand, TSG encouraged us to be bold while also guiding us toward pathways to live our mission of empowering families. We thank TSG for their dedication to working with nonprofits of all kinds!”

Barbara Scott, Executive Director

Parents League of New York


Debra Hertz is a nonprofit strategy expert and is The Strategy Group’s founder and Managing Director. She has created a powerful DNA within her team/organization leveraging her innate sense of “courageous conversations” and pioneering business strategy excellence. In addition to leading The Strategy Group, Debra has taught management and leadership courses for over twenty years at Fordham University’s Graduate School of Social Service where she received her PH.D. and Master of Social Work.

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." -- John F. Kennedy


Karen Brennan is a Senior Consultant at The Strategy Group who specializes in strategic planning, senior leadership searches, and project management. She has a Master’s in Education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and earned her BA from Wellesley College. Her background is in results-oriented leadership consulting, along with focus group facilitation and research.

“I love when we find the exact right candidate during a leadership search – knowing we’re helping an organization vision its future. It’s like finding that missing puzzle piece at last!”


Jennie Lupinacci is The Strategy Group’s Office Manager. Her skills in office management, financial reporting, and payroll, coupled with hands-on experience managing complex schedules, client relationships, and operational systems, provide The Strategy Group the foundation needed to serve our clients. Before coming to The Strategy Group, Jennie worked for Jim Henson and the Muppets and with PBS Kids.

I am inspired by the passion with which The Strategy Group embraces the unique needs of each client to help them make a real impact in the communities they serve.”


Edith Targonski is a consultant with The Strategy Group and is responsible for client focus groups and interviews among other special projects. When not working for TSG, she is the Editor-in-Chief of Latincolors Magazine, a publication dedicated to fostering connections. She provides a platform for success stories, impactful organizations, and opportunities for businesses. Through her work, Edith has helped entrepreneurs grow and thrive, making a tangible difference in their communities.

“Your legacy is every life you’ve touched.” – Maya Angelou

"The Strategy Group's insights, perspectives, and strategic counsel were instrumental in navigating the complexities of selecting the next leader to steer Continuum of Care toward its future endeavors. The Search Committee is confident we have selected an exceptional individual who embodies the qualities, experience, and vision necessary to lead Continuum of Care into its next chapter of growth and success."

Virginia T. Spell, Search Committee Chair/Board Member

Continuum of Care

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