About Karen Brennan

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So far Karen Brennan has created 124 blog entries.

Executive Director and Chief Development Officer | New Canaan Cares




New Canaan CARES is an independent, non-profit community organization whose purpose is to advance the health and well-being of youth and families. CARES provides responsive educational programs that support and strengthen parenting skills, positive youth development, and healthy lifestyles.

The Executive Director of New Canaan CARES must be a person who has […]

2021-02-11T23:11:54+00:00July 1, 2020|

HAYVN HalfTime | Radical Reflection

In early June, Debra gave a HAYVN Half Time webinar on radical reflection. What is radical reflection you might ask? Good question! It’s all about facing the uncertainties in your personal life and your professional life and how you can map out different “realities” that might happen. A first step is to do an honest inventory of yourself, your organization, and the larger environment.

We designed this radical reflection process as […]

2021-02-08T16:36:29+00:00June 5, 2020|

Nonprofit Scenario Planning

Nonprofit scenario planning offers organizations tools for strategic thinking and decision making. It helps you to identify the uncertainties you are facing and map out different “realities” that might happen. It sounds simple, and part of it is. It can also make a difference in your ability to navigate these rough waters more adeptly.

Scenario planning helps you react quickly and decisively, recognize or mitigate risk, plan for growth, and choose […]

2021-02-08T16:32:59+00:00June 2, 2020|

Commissioner | Greenwich Department of Human Services




The Town of Greenwich seeks a Commissioner of Human Services to oversee strategic planning, operations management, technology development, personnel, board and external community relations for the Greenwich Department of Human Services.  Position reports to and receives direction from the Board of Human Services.

The mission of the Greenwich Department of Human Services is to enhance the quality of life […]

2021-02-11T23:13:31+00:00May 4, 2020|

Is it Time for Radical Reflection?

The dust is settling a bit, and we are just beginning to consider the future. We don’t know what that future is going to look like, but it is going to be different than the past, for sure.

Here is what I know… nonprofits are strong and resilient. When I look around, I see nonprofits leading the way during this pandemic. Our communities and the people we serve expect no less.

In […]

2020-06-02T21:06:20+00:00April 16, 2020|

Nonprofit Strategic Alliances

Nonprofits work best when they work together! Whether it is a partnership, collaboration, or merger, strategic partnerships are an arrangement between one or more organizations to work together in an intentional manner toward a shared vision, helping each to better achieve their mission.

Nonprofit strategic partnerships allow for administrative efficiencies (e.g., economies of scale, new funding opportunities), potential programmatic opportunities (e.g., expansion, sustainability), and organizational development (e.g., strengthen leadership and impact). The […]

2021-02-08T16:37:02+00:00April 10, 2020|

Four Elements of a Kickass Nonprofit Board

“A good board is a victory, not a gift.”  –Cyril O. Houle

As many of you know, I have taught at Fordham University’s Graduate School of Social Service for almost 20 years. Without a doubt, I love teaching. Every once in a while, it is nice to be the student not the teacher. Recently I attended a three-day workshop on nonprofit governance at BoardSource in Washington. What I learned certainly validated […]

2020-06-02T21:02:13+00:00March 18, 2020|

Development Director | Greenwich Library


Greenwich Library is seeking a Director of Development to serve as the key fundraiser for the institution. For 200 years, Greenwich Library has served as the intellectual and cultural hub of its community. The Library, one of the busiest in New England, serves the 62,000 residents of the Town of Greenwich through its Main library and two branch libraries, the […]

2021-02-11T23:16:57+00:00March 2, 2020|

CEO | Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich


The Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich, a non-profit organization that offers quality academic, recreational, athletic, and character development programs year-round, is searching for a dynamic leader who can bring the organization to the next level of its development. The ideal candidate will have strong leadership, fundraising, and community relations skills. And, of course, the next leader must have a passion for […]

2021-02-11T23:17:36+00:00February 26, 2020|

Association Director | CT Association of School Based Health Centers


The Connecticut Association of School Based Health Centers (CASBHC) is seeking a dynamic leader to carry out the mission, objectives, and policies of the organization. The ideal candidate will have strong leadership, community relations, and fundraising skills. Click here to read the full position description and to learn more about how to apply.  

CASBHC positions school-based-health centers as […]

2021-02-11T23:18:57+00:00February 26, 2020|
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